Mina sidor är stängt fredag–lördag

Fredag 28 mars kl. 15 stängs Mina sidor ner för ett servicearbete och beräknas att öppna igen på lördag runt kl. 16. Du kan inte logga in under tiden som arbetet pågår.


Become a member

Alfa-kassan is an unemployment fund and we welcome everyone! As a member, you get financial security when you need it the most.


Who can become a member?

Anyone who has worked in Sweden at any time can join Alfa-kassan. It’s enough if you have worked just one hour. It doesn’t matter what kind of job you have, what type of employment you have, or if you are self-employed. Everyone is welcome! 

  • Money

    For all professions and sectors

  • Reward Stars

    Possibility of higher benefit after 1 year

  • Book

    25% tax deduction on monthly fees

Why should I become a member?

After being a member for one year, you can qualify for higher benefits, up to 1,200 SEK daily. If you have been a member for less than a year, or are not a member, the maximum you can receive is 510 SEK per day.

Alfa-kassan members pay 170 SEK per month. However, they receive 25% of this cost back as a tax deduction in their yearly tax return.

Become a member now

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If you are not a member

With other unemployment funds, you must be a member to apply for benefits. At Alfa-kassan, you don’t need to be a member, but you can only apply for basic benefits. The maximum basic benefit is 510 SEK per day, and there is also an administration fee of 7 SEK for each day you receive benefits.

How would you like to pay for your membership?

Direct debit

You can request direct debit at your bank through our e-service Min anslutning. Choose Arbetslöshetskassan Alfa as the payee. The fee will be deducted on the 28th of each month or the closest bank day.


Kivra is a digital mailbox. If registered, you will automatically receive your invoices there. You will receive invoices in January, April, July, and October. Pay your monthly fee every month or for several months at once as a lump sum.


Register for an e-invoice at your bank. You will receive invoices in January, April, July, and October. Pay your monthly fee each month or several months at once as a lump sum.

Paper invoice

You will receive a paper invoice by mail if you haven’t chosen a payment method or if you are not registered with Kivra.

Change unemployment fund

If you want to change your unemployment insurance fund, make sure you avoid any gap in membership. This is because after 12 months of membership, you may be entitled to income-based benefits which are more beneficial. Your membership period with one unemployment insurance fund is counted when you switch to a new one, but if there is a gap your membership period is recalculated from the month you change to the other unemployment insurance fund.

How do I avoid a gap in my membership?

First, contact your current unemployment insurance fund and tell them you want to leave. You can withdraw earliest on the last day of the month they receive your notification. Then apply for membership with the new unemployment fund the following month. The membership is always counted from the first day of the month you applied to join. 

Questions about the membership

  • Yes, if you are not a member of another unemployment insurance fund, you can apply for basic benefits from us. Regardless of the type of benefits you apply for, you must fulfill the requirements for benefits.

  • Being a member means that you may be entitled to the income-based benefit, after being a member for at least 12 months. As a member, you pay a monthly fee of SEK 170.

    If you are not a member or have been a member shorter than 12 months, you can only apply for the basic benefit.

  • No, joining Alfa-kassan does not automatically mean you’ve applied for benefits. You need to submit a separate benefit application through Mina sidor.

  • No, you can only be a member of one unemployment insurance fund. However, you are more than welcome to switch to Alfa-kassan! 

  • No, you cannot get your monthly fees refunded. Unemployment insurance is voluntary, and it’s good to remain a member in case you meet the work requirement in the future, as this could qualify you for higher benefits.

  • All of your invocies have the same OCR number so use the same number. In case you cannot find the OCR number enter your social security number in the message field. Our bankgiro number is 5370-2395.