Time report

You can find so-called time reports on Mina sidor where you can report what you have done each week, for example been unemployed or worked a few hours. We use the time reports as a basis for paying you the correct benefits. It is therefore important that you fill in the correct information so that you are not paid too little or too much.

When you fill in the time report, it is important to remember to do so for each day, including Saturday and Sunday. If you submit your time report on Monday, you will be paid on Thursday of the same week. Time reports older than 9 months cannot be paid out.

How to fill in your time report

  1. 1 Unemployed

  2. 2 Hourly employment

  3. 3 Holiday

  4. 4 On call

  5. 5 Part time

  6. 6 Sickness / Parental benefits / Parental leave

  7. 7 Not able to work

  8. 8 Programs via the Swedish Public Employment Service

  9. 9 Other


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    Mina sidor

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    Postal address

    FE 69
    938 88 Arjeplog