Mina sidor är stängt fredag–lördag
Fredag 28 mars kl. 15 stängs Mina sidor ner för ett servicearbete och beräknas att öppna igen på lördag runt kl. 16. Du kan inte logga in under tiden som arbetet pågår.
Payments and time report
We usually pay benefits every Thursday. You can submit your time reports weekly or for several weeks at once.

When will I receive my payment?
If you submit your time reports on a Monday, you will usually receive your payment on Thursday of the same week. This applies to those who submit time reports digitally on Mina sidor. If you do not have an electronic-ID and submit time reports by post, payment may take until the following week.
Payment dates
- Submit your time reports on March 24 and receive payment on March 27
- Submit your time reports on March 31 and receive payment on April 3
- Submit your time reports on April 7 and receive payment on April 10
- Submit your time reports on April 14 and receive payment on April 17
- Submit your time reports on April 22 and receive payment on April 25
- Submit your time reports on April 28 and receive payment on May 2
What is a time report?
When you apply for unemployment benefits, you must submit time reports to us. In the time reports, you fill in what you have done each week, such as being unemployed or working a few hours. You can find the time reports on Mina sidor under “Rapportera tid”. Below is a picture of what the time report looks like. If you do not have e-identification, you can contact us and we will help you further.
We use the time reports to determine your benefit. Therefore, you must fill in the correct information so you are not paid too little or too much.

How often should I fill in time reports?
Fill in the time report for each day of the week, including Saturday and Sunday. You can submit your time reports weekly or for several weeks at once. You can submit your first time report after being registered with Arbetsförmedlingen for one week. Usually, we cannot pay unemployment benefits for time reports older than 9 months.
How do I fill in my time report?
I am unemployed
If you are completely unemployed, check the box Arbetslös for the current day.
I have an hourly job
If you have an hourly job, enter the number of hours you worked that day. You enter the hours in the Arbete column.
I work part-time
If you work part-time and are employed at a certain percentage, fill in the percentage in the box Fyll i den omfattning du är anställd i procent. For example, if you are employed at 60%, fill in the figure 60. If your contract is for some hours per week, convert the hours into a percentage. Even if your schedule varies, you should fill in the percentage every week.
If you work more than the agreed percentage, fill in both the percentage and the extra hours worked. The hours should be entered in the column Arbete. -
I am on call or standby
If you are on call or standby, fill in all those hours in your time report. For example, if you are on call from Friday to Saturday between 22:00 and 06:00, enter 2 hours on Friday and 6 hours on Saturday in the column Arbete.
If you are employed as a part-time firefighter, contact us and we will help you further. -
I am on vacation
If you are on vacation from a part-time job, fill in the Semester box for all the days you are off. You should also do this for the days you would not have worked according to your schedule.
If you are on leave from an hourly job, fill in the box Kan inte ta arbete.
I am sick, have VAB or parental benefit
If you are sick, taking care of a sick child, or on parental benefit, you cannot receive unemployment benefits because you cannot work during those days. In the Sjuk/VAB/Föräldrapenning box, select the number of hours concerned.
When you are sick, you must apply for compensation from your employer or Försäkringskassan. When you take care of a sick child or are on parental leave, you must apply for compensation from Försäkringskassan. -
I cannot or do not want to work one day
If there is a day when you cannot take work for any reason, you should check the box Kan inte ta arbete. Do this if, for example, you are going away on a trip or have studies that we have not approved.
I am participating in a program through Arbetsförmedlingen
You should not submit time reports to us when participating in a full-time program through Arbetsförmedlingen. Instead, you should apply for activity support from Försäkringskassan. Contact Försäkringskassan for more information.
If you start or end your program in the middle of a week, fill in Kan inte ta arbete for the days you are in the program. -
I am paid in remuneration
If you have an artistic job and are paid in remuneration, you should
- add up the gross pay for each week you work.
- divide the gross pay by 203 which is a standardized hourly wage amount.
- enter the amount you receive, rounded to the nearest full or half hour, in the Arbete column.
If the total is more than 40 hours, carry over the extra hours to the next week's time report.
I work as a teacher
Hourly paid
If you are paid by the hour, fill in all the hours you worked in the Arbete column.
Paid per lesson
If you have an employment contract with a certain number of hours of teaching obligation per week, add up the hours so they correspond with a 40-hour week. You need to find out how many teaching hours correspond to a full-time position at your workplace.
Part-time work
If you work part-time and are employed at a certain percentage, fill in the percentage in the box Fyll i den omfattning du är anställd i procent. For example, if you are employed at 50%, fill in 50 in the extent of employment and any extra hours in the Arbete column.