Mina sidor är stängt fredag–lördag

Fredag 28 mars kl. 15 stängs Mina sidor ner för ett servicearbete och beräknas att öppna igen på lördag runt kl. 16. Du kan inte logga in under tiden som arbetet pågår.


Contact us


Do you have any questions?

There are several ways you can contact us. Feel free to check if you find an answer among our frequently asked questions. Otherwise, you can also ask your question to our chatbot Alfa.

Send us a message

Penna I Fykant

Mina sidor

If you have questions about your case, message us on Mina sidor.

Teamwork User High Five

Min anslutning

If you have questions about your membership, message us on Min anslutning.

Other ways of contact

  • Telefon

    Call us

    0771 – 55 00 99

    Monday–Friday: 9­­­:00–15:00
    Closed for lunch: 12:00–13:00

    See our exceptional opening hours

  • Chattmeddelande

    Chat with Alfa

    Alfa is our chatbot, which you can find at the bottom of the page. Feel free to try it out and see if you get answers to your questions.

  • Brevlåda

    Send documents by mail

    Arbetslöshetskassan Alfa
    FE 69
    938 88 Arjeplog

  • Laptop (1)

    Questions about unemployment funds?

    If you have general questions about unemployment insurance and our benefits, you can email us. Please note that we cannot answer questions about your case or receive documents via email due to GDPR.


How do I send my documents to you?

If you have documents for your case, upload them on Mina sidor under the heading E-tjänster/Ladda upp. Remember that documents can only be in PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats. 

If you do not have an electronic ID and therefore cannot use Mina sidor, you should send the document by mail to us.

Many are asking about this right now

  • To apply for benefits, register as a jobseeker with Arbetsförmedlingen, on your first day of unemployment. You can then apply for unemployment benefits online via our e-service Mina sidor.

    If you do not have an electronic ID, please contact us for more information.

    Follow our step-by-step guide

  • No, you can only be a member of one unemployment insurance fund. However, you are more than welcome to switch to Alfa-kassan! 

  • You can view your documents and archived time reports on Mina sidor under the heading Mina dokument & brev. Work certificates you have not reviewed or approved are available under the heading Nya arbetsgivarintyg.

  • You can become a member by using your electronic ID. Please contact our customer service if you do not have an electronic ID and they will help you.

    Apply for membership here

  • No, even if you’re a member of Alfa-kassan, you still need to meet certain conditions to qualify for benefits. You must be registered with Arbetsförmedlingen, actively looking for and able to take a job, and have worked enough before becoming unemployed.

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No electronic ID?

If you don't have an electronic ID and can't use our e-services, you can call us to order a physical time report that you can mail to us. If you need some forms, you can both call and email us.

Have you worked abroad?

Have you been employed in another EU or EEA country, Schweiz, Northern Ireland, or Great Britain and want to claim unemployment benefits from us? First, submit your application for benefits on Mina sidor. We will then send you a message telling you which certificates to submit. 

Send an email to ees@alfakassan.se if you do not have an electronic ID. Write which country you worked in and for how long. Do not include your social security number, coordination number, or certificates containing sensitive personal data due to GDPR.

Give someone power of attorney

If you want someone else to help you with your case, you can give them power of attorney. Do this either by calling us or sending us a message on Mina sidor. State the period the power of attorney is valid and the following information about the person you want to give it to

  • their name
  • their phone number
  • their social security number.