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New rules for unemployment insurance funds 2025

New rules regarding unemployment insurance will start on October 1, 2025. The new insurance will be based on your previous income and how long you have been a member of an unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa).


Applies to those receiving a decision from October 1

New rules regarding unemployment insurance will start on October 1, 2025. If you receive a decision from us on October 1, or after, the new rules will apply. However, if you already have an ongoing period of benefit, you will not be affected.

It pays off to be a member

The new insurance will be based on your previous income and how long you have been a member of an unemployment insurance fund. This means that the longer you have been a member, the higher the benefit you may receive. Therefore, it pays off to be a member.

Join us today!

Benefits based on income

The new insurance is based on your previous income. To be eligible for benefits, you must meet an income requirement. You can meet this requirement either through the main rule or the alternative rule.

  • The main rule
    You must have had a total income of at least 120,000 SEK during the qualifying period and a monthly income of at least 11,000 SEK for at least four months.

  • The alternative rule
    You must have had a monthly income of at least 11,000 SEK for at least four consecutive months during the qualifying period. There is no requirement for a minimum total income.

What does ... mean?

Qualifying period

The qualifying period is the time frame we use to decide if you meet the requirement for unemployment benefits. We look at the period from when you applied for benefits and 12 months backward. If you were unable to work due to illness, parental leave, or full-time studies, we may extend the qualifying period and look further back. This also applies if you were self-employed, and your business ceased operations within 60 months of starting.

What inocomes can be included in the income requirement?

We retrieve your income data directly from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), so all incomes registered with them count toward the income requirement. Additionally, some benefits from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan), such as parental allowance and sickness benefits, can be included in your total income. If you are self-employed, income is based on taxable earnings from previous years.

How long can I receive benefits?

How long you can receive benefits depends on your income during the qualifying period. You may receive:

300 days of benefits

  • an income of at least 11,000 SEK for 11–12 months
  • a total income of at least 120,000 SEK

200 days of benefits

  • an income of at least 11,000 SEK for 8–10 months
  • a total income of at least 120,000 SEK

100 days of benefits

  • an income of at least 11,000 SEK for 4–7 months
  • a total income of at least 120,000 SEK

66 days of benefits

  • an income of at least 11,000 SEK for four consecutive months
  • a total income below 120,000 SEK.

Higher benefits the longer you have been a member

How much you will receive in benefits depends on how long you have been a member during the qualifying period. You may receive 80, 60, or 50% of your previous income. We compensate for income up to 34,000 SEK, meaning the maximum benefit is 80% of 34,000 SEK, which equals 27,200 SEK.

This is how your benefit is affected depending on how long you have been a member:

  • Money

    80% of previous income

    if you have been a member for at least 12 consecutive months during the qualifying period.

  • Money

    60% of previous income

    if you have been a member for 6–11 consecutive months during the qualifying period.

  • Money

    50% of previous income

    if you have been a member for 0–5 consecutive months during the qualifying period.

If you are not a member

If you are not a member of an unemployment insurance funds you can receive at most 50% of the income you have had during the qualifying period.

Benefit decreases after 100 days

Regardless of your initial benefit, it will decrease progressively during your period of benefits:

  • After 100 days of benefits, the benefit level decreases by 10 percentage points.
  • After 200 days of benefits, the benefit level decreases by another 5 percentage points.

Age limit for receiving unemployment benefits

To qualify for unemployment benefits, you must be at least 20 years old. The upper age limit is 66 years, but from January 1, 2026, it will be linked to the national retirement age.

How often will I receive payments?

You will receive the benefits once per month in arrears. You must report your activities while unemployed in a so-called monthly application. This application must not be older than three months.

" "

Working abroad

As of October 1, your membership in a Swedish unemployment insurance fund will not count while working abroad. When working in EU, EEA, Switzerland, or the UK you are covered by that country's legislation. This will affect how your membership period is calculated, and the level of benefits you are entitled to. It is therefore important that you have unemployment insurance in the country where you work to avoid gaps in your membership.

Please note that Denmark and Finland, like Sweden, have a system of unemployment funds. Therefore, join an unemployment insurance fund there if you work in one of those countries.

Q&A about the new insurance

  • In the current insurance, the benefit is based on both income and worked hours. In the new insurance, the benefit is based on your previous income, the number of months you worked during the qualifying period, and how long you have been a member.

  • Yes, if you have an ongoing period of benefits and have been granted 300 days of benefits, you will automatically receive an additional 150 days if you have children under the age of 18. However, in the new insurance (for decisions made after October 1), extra days of benefits for children under 18 will no longer be available.

  • No, membership is not required to receive benefits. However, the maximum you can receive as a non-member is 50% of your previous income.

  • You have three months to apply for benefits. For example, if you apply for benefits for January, you must submit your application by April of the same year. If we receive your application too late, you cannot receive benefits for that month unless there are special reasons.

  • If your 300 days of benefits end, we will first determine if you are entitled to an additional 150 days, which is possible if you have children under the age of 18. This applies regardless of whether your 300 days end before or after October 1.

    If you have already received 450 days or do not have children under the age of 18 on day 300, we will assess whether you qualify for a new period of benefits. If we assess this before October 1, the current rules apply. If we assess it on or after October 1, the new rules will apply.