Mina sidor är stängt fredag–lördag

Fredag 28 mars kl. 15 stängs Mina sidor ner för ett servicearbete och beräknas att öppna igen på lördag runt kl. 16. Du kan inte logga in under tiden som arbetet pågår.


When you participate in a program


How does the process work?


Decision about program

The Swedish Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) decides whether you should participate in a program and for how long. They then inform us at Alfa-kassan and the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) about your program.


We establish your benefits

We investigate how much you can receive per benefit day when participating in a program. On Mina sidor in the To-do list, you can see if you need to submit anything. We may for example need a work certificate. If you recently received unemployment benefits from us or participated in another program, you usually do not need to do anything.

When the investigation is completed, we notify Försäkringskassan. They are the ones who then pay out your activity grant while you are in a program.


Apply for activity grant

Apply for an activity grant from Försäkringskassan as soon as you can. They are the ones who determine and pay out your activity grant while you are participating in a program.

Read about the activity grant at Försäkringskassan's website

About programs

  • You cannot receive unemployment benefits if you participate in a full-time program through Arbetsförmedlingen. Instead, you should apply for an activity grant through Försäkringskassan. Contact Försäkringskassan for more information.

  • Yes, if you have an approved benefit period from us, days with an activity grant will be deducted. Försäkringskassan will notify us of how many days should be deducted when the program ends.

  • Yes, please note that your activity grant may be lower if you are a member of Alfa-kassan and decide to leave.

  • No, you should not submit time reports to us when you participate in a program. However, you should continue to submit activity reports to Arbetsförmedlingen.

Who does what?

  • Human Resources Businessman Black


    They decide whether you should participate in a program. Contact them if you have questions about the different programs.

    Contact Arbetsförmedlingen

  • Money Black


    We calculate how much benefit you should receive while in the program. Contact us if you have questions about our investigation and the benefit we have notified Försäkringskassan about.

    Contact us

  • Task List Check Black


    They pay an activity grant when you participate in a program. Contact Försäkringskassan if you have questions about the activity grant, the payment, or the number of days you have participated in the program.

    Contact Försäkringskassan