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Extra work can, in some cases, be approved as a spare-time job. The exception is made if you:
How much you earn from the extra work is also regulated. The average income can not exceed the equivalent of 6 times the amount of benefit one can receive per week with the basic benefit. The basic benefit is a maximum of SEK 510 per day.
Inform us about any extra work at the same time as you apply for unemployment benefits. We will then examine your extra work and decide whether it is an approved spare-time job.
You can continue to perform an approved spare-time job whilst receiving unemployment benefits. The hours spent on your spare-time job do not need to be filled in on your time report. If you increase the number of hours you spend on this extra work, it will cease to be recognized as a spare-time job. In this case, you should notify us that you have extended the working hours of your spare-time job and you should declare all the time worked on your time report
If you increase the income gained from your spare-time job, please contact us. We will then inform you about how you should declare your spare-time job on the time report.
Updated: 2023-11-17
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The e-service where you can find information about your membership and your invoices.
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FE 69
938 88 Arjeplog