Part-time work

When you work part-time, you can receive unemployment benefits at the same time. To receive benefits, you must fulfill our requirements. The weeks when you combine part-time work with benefits are called part-time weeks. You can get up to 60 part-time weeks per benefit period. You can see how many part-time weeks you have used on Mina sidor.

Examples of part-time weeks

Week 1
You work on Monday and Tuesday and receive benefits from Wednesday to Friday. Since you combine part-time work and unemployment benefits, this counts as one part-time week.

Week 2
You do not work at all this week and receive benefits from Monday to Friday. This week is therefore not counted as a part-time week.

Week 3
You work five days this week and work so many hours that you are not entitled to benefits. Therefore, it does not count as a part-time week.

When the part-time weeks are used up

When your 60 part-time weeks are used up, you can no longer work part-time and receive benefits. This means that you can no longer receive benefits for the weeks you work.

If you decide to resign from your part-time job, you can still receive benefits in some cases. This applies if you have no more part-time weeks and if your income from your part-time work is less than 90% of the daily benefit.

Single parent with a child under 18

If you are a single parent with a child under 18 years of age who lives wholly or partly at home and your 60 part-time weeks are used up, you can contact the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen). They may be able to refer you to the job and development guarantee program.

Updated: 2024-09-05


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    938 88 Arjeplog